Identify Your part number:





RT323 may be supplied by the following standard packagings:

  • One or more Twinpacks of 4g:
                    P/N    RT323 - TPx - 004   (
    x = number of twinpacks)
                      ex:  RT323-TP5-004 (5 pcs of 4g size Twinpacks in the packaging),
                             RT323-TP-004   (only one 4g size Twinpack in the packaging)

  • In Bulks of 550g or 5500g

                     P/N    RT323 - BK -   550   (bulk of   550g)
    RT323 - BK - 5500   (bulk of 5.5Kg)

If You need different packagings or quantities, please contact us: we can change packagings, try to solve Your problems and supply the exact quantity of product You need.


      NB: the quantities above mentioned must be considered as the total amount of resin +   

             hardener. Packagings above listed must respect the standard MOQ.
             Please, get in touch with us for more details. 


              "Due to resins limited shelf life, our products, samples included, are produced after

              our receiving of customer's order.

              This means that our resins have the longest possible shelf life, but, at the same time,

              delivery times are at least one week and at most three weeks."